Government > Departments > Waste Water Department
Waste Water Department
Matt Cunningham
561 N Keyser St
Bremen, IN 46506
Office Hours
7:00am to 4:00pm
Eric Ringer
Tony Farrer
Anthony Schrock
About the Waste Water Department
Bremen sewer system includes approximately 25 miles of 8-inch to 36-inch pipe and eight lift stations throughout the town. The collection system serves the corporate area of Bremen including residential, commercial and industrial areas.
The Wastewater Treatment Plant is a Class 3, Trickling Filter plant and was placed in operation in 1965. The plant includes two communicators, three raw wastewater pumps, grit removal, three primary settling tanks, two biological oxidation towers, two secondary clarifiers, one rock bed trickling filter used for ammonia oxidation, one final tank, tertiary filters, chlorination and dechlorination process, post aeration tank, one anaerobic sludge digester and sludge drying beds to provide a complete wastewater treatment system.
Along with superintendent Matt Cunningham, also on the Lake of the Woods Regional Sanitation District Board, four full time and one part time employees operate the plant and maintain the collection system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Currently Bremen has 2-class 3, 1-class 2 and 1-class 1 employee's that are licensed and certified by the State of Indiana.
Design Criteria
The treatment plant is designed to treat 1.3 million gallons and a peak flow of 2.2 million gallons of wastewater each day.
Bremen's wastewater treatment plant has been upheld as being one of the best maintained and operated plants in the State of Indiana. Over the years Bremen have received numerous awards over the years from Indiana Water Environment Federation, Indiana Department of Environmental Management and United States Environmental Protection Agency that include:
Safety Excellence Award for training, record keeping in 1986, 2004 and 2005
Best Annual Report for the State of Indiana in 2001 Award of Excellence for Outstanding Operation and Maintenance of a Water Pollution Control Facility in Region 5Â by US-EPA in 2001 (Region 5 consists of Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota).
Two of Bremen's operators have received the top honors of Operator of the Year by the Northern Indiana Operators Association.
In 2004, 05, 06, 07 and 08, we received the "Safety Excellence Award" from the Indiana Water Environment Association. In 2001, we received the States "Best Annual Report".
The highest award we received was from US-EPA in 2001 for being runner-up for "Outstanding Operation & Maintenance of a Water Control Facility in Region 5. Region 5 consists of Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio and Minnesota.