Office of the Clerk-Treasurer
Meghan Atkins
104 W Plymouth St
Bremen, IN 46506
Office Hours
7:30am to 4:30pm
About the Clerk-Treasurer's Office
In Indiana, all Clerk-Treasurer's are elected for a four-year term of office. Specific duties and responsibilities are defined by the Indiana Code, Municipal Code of Ordinances and directives of the municipal governing body. The Clerk-Treasurer is the Chief Financial Officer for the municipal government and is to oversee the operation of the municipal budget.
The Town of Bremen's Clerk-Treasurer's Office offers a wealth of information and renders a variety of services to the Bremen residents. All Town ordinances, resolutions, official documents and other important records are retained by this office.
All customer utility billings and payments are processed through the Clerk's office. Utility bills are generated and mailed the 1st of each month and are due on or before the 15th. Customers enjoy the convenience of our drive-thru payment window and our drop box located outside the main office entrance.
A resident can purchase their annual dog/cat licenses (tags), file for a vendor's (merchant) license, make park reservations, arrange for "special trash-ups" and purchase cemetery lots, just to name a few, by visiting our office. Such permits as garage sale and building permits can be obtained through the Economic Development/Director or Operations office located within the same facility.
The Clerk-Treasurer's office is blessed with an experienced, dedicated staff to serve the public with respect and courtesy.
Anthony Wagner | awagner@wagnerllp.com | Attorney |
Brad Thornton | deputyclerk@townofbremen.org | Deputy Treasurer |
Cathy Holderman | utilitydeputyclerk@townofbremen.org | Deputy Clerk |
Jamie Soule | billingclerk@townofbremen.org | Utility Clerk |
Meghan Atkins | clerktreasurer@townofbremen.org | Clerk-Treasurer |
Keith Fraine | director@townofbremen.org | Director of Operations |
Tara Beasley | bremenadmin@townofbremen.org | Administrative Assistant |